使用 SVGAPlayer 在 Android、iOS、Web中播放 After Effects / Animate CC (Flash) 动画。
add JitPack.io repo build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
add dependency to build.gradle (Final Release https://jitpack.io/#yyued/SVGAPlayer-Android/ )
compile 'com.github.yyued:SVGAPlayer-Android:2.0.0'
use layout.xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:background="#000" />
source - SVGA file path,relative assets directory。
autoPlay - defaults to true,play after load automatically。
loopCount - defaults to 0,Loop Count, 0 = Infinity Loop。
clearsAfterStop - Clears Canvas After Animation Stop
fillMode - defaults to Forward,optional Forward / Backward,fillMode = Forward,Animation will pause on last frame while finished,fillMode = Backward , Animation will pause on first frame.
Add SVGAImageView via code.
SVGAImageView imageView = new SVGAImageView(this);
parser = new SVGAParser(this);
parser.parse(new URL(https://img.paonet.com/upload-images-old/a/opensource/2017/1031/_/svga/svga-me/angel.svg), new SVGAParser.ParseCompletion() {
public void onComplete(@NotNull SVGAVideoEntity videoItem) {
SVGADrawable drawable = new SVGADrawable(videoItem);
public void onError() {
Parser will not manage cache, you need to cache by yourself.
Because SVGAParser depends URLConnection, and URLConnection uses HttpResponseCache.
Add following code to Application.java:onCreate is Okey to handle SVGA caches.
val cacheDir = File(context.applicationContext.cacheDir, "http")
HttpResponseCache.install(cacheDir, 1024 * 1024 * 128)
setLoops(int loops); - Loop Count,0 = Infinity Loop
setClearsAfterStop(boolean clearsAfterStop); - Clears Canvas After Animation Stop
setFillMode(FillMode fillMode); - Optional Forward / Backward,fillMode = Forward,Animation will pause on last frame while finished,fillMode = Backward , Animation will pause on first frame.
setCallback(SVGAPlayerCallback callback) - SET Callbacks
setVideoItem(SVGAVideoEntity videoItem) - SET animation instance
startAnimation() - Play Animation from 0 frame.
pauseAnimation() - Pause Animation and keep on current frame.
stopAnimation() - Stop Animation,Clears Canvas while clearsAfterStop == YES.
stepToFrame(int frame, boolean andPlay) - Step to N frame, and then Play Animation if andPlay === true.
stepToPercentage(float percentage, boolean andPlay) - Step to x%, and then Play Animation if andPlay === true.
void onPause() - Call after animation paused.
void onFinished() - Call after animation finished.
void onRepeat() - Call while animation repeat.
void onStep(int frame, float percentage) - Call after animation play to specific frame.
You may replace Image or Text dynamically. To do this, you need to create a SVGADynamicEntity instance. (SVGAPlayer 支持动态图像和动态文本,要添加动态图像和动态文本,你需要创建一个 SVGADynamicEntity 对象,并传入 SVGDrawable 初始化方法。)
SVGADynamicEntity dynamicItem = new SVGADynamicEntity();
SVGADrawable drawable = new SVGADrawable(videoItem, dynamicItem);
You need to create a bitmap instance, use setDynamicImage method, to replace specific image. Ask your designer to provide imageKey(or unzip the svga file, find it).
dynamicItem.setDynamicImage(bitmapDrawable, "99");
Use setDynamicText method, to add text on specific image. Ask your designer to provide imageKey(or unzip the svga file, find it).
TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint();
textPaint.setARGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xe0, 0xa4);
textPaint.setShadowLayer((float)1.0, (float)0.0, (float)1.0, Color.BLACK); // 各种配置
dynamicItem.setDynamicText("崔小姐不吃鱼 送了魔法奇缘", textPaint, "banner");
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